Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Penny Carnival

AAC strikes again!  I found another great assessment for grade 6 called "The Penny Carnival"

Teacher Resources:

The school is organizing a Penny Carnival to help raise money for a new community playground. A Carnival Committee is in charge of choosing games for the event. Each student will design a spinner game, complete with prize recommendations, to present to the committee in hopes that it will be chosen for the Penny Carnival. Students will build and test spinners to determine and compare the experimental and theoretical probabilities of landing on each section. They will choose prizes for their games, keeping in mind that all carnival games will cost just 25¢ to play. Students will create presentations for the committee, to convince them to choose their games.

This task provides opportunities for students collect, display and interpret data, and to demonstrate their understanding of experimental and theoretical probability. As they explore the task, share their strategies and defend their plans, they refine their ability to communicate and reason mathematically (see Program of Studies, 2007, p. 4).

Teacher Resource Materials include:
·          Learner Outcomes and Assessment Criteria (p. 2)
·          For Best Results (pp. 3-5)
·          Prize Page (p.6)
·          First Steps Student Support (pp. 7-8)

Student Materials include:
·          Student Task (p. 1)
·          Checklist and Rubric (p. 2)
·          Optional Student Pages (pp. 3-5)

Assessment for Learning Tools:
       Coaching Feedback
       Student Self-reflection

This performance task addresses the following learner outcomes (shown in Times New Roman font) from the Mathematics Program of Studies:

Grade Six Learner Outcomes

Criteria for Evaluation*
Students provide evidence of their learning as they:
Statistics and Probability (Chance and Uncertainty)
General Outcome: Use experimental or theoretical probabilities to represent and solve problems involving uncertainly.
4.   Demonstrate an understanding of probability by:
·         identifying all possible outcomes of a probability experiment
·         differentiating between experimental and theoretical probability
·         determining the theoretical probability of outcomes in a probability experiment
·         determining the experimental probability of outcomes in a probability experiment
·         comparing experimental results with the theoretical probability for an experiment.
[C, ME, PS, T]
·    determine experimental probability of outcomes
·    determine theoretical probability of outcomes
Statistics and Probability (Data Analysis)
General Outcome: Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems.
3.   Graph collected data, and analyze the graph to solve problems.
[C, CN, PS, R, T]    
·   create and analyze a graph
General Outcome: Develop number sense.
2.   Solve problems involving whole numbers and decimal numbers.
[ME, PS, T]
·    determine expected cost of prizes
Mathematical Processes
Students are expected to:
·         develop mathematical reasoning
·         communicate in order to learn and express their understanding.
·    create presentation for committee

* Criteria statements appear again in the first column of the evaluation tools (checklists, rating scales and/or rubrics) and are the basis on which student evaluation is made relative to the learner outcomes.

Mathematical Processes
Mathematical processes are skills that are addressed at all grade levels. They are not taught as discrete skills, but are integrated into the specific outcomes. Links to the processes are identified within square brackets after the specific outcomes.
Throughout this task, the following mathematical processes are specifically addressed:
  • Communication: communicate in order to clarify, reinforce and modify ideas.
  • Connections: connect mathematical ideas to each other or to the real world.
  • Problem Solving: develop and apply new mathematical knowledge through problem solving.
  • Reasoning: use reasoning skills to analyze a problem, reach a conclusion and justify or defend that conclusion.

This section provides suggestions for additional instruction and assessment for learning support. A student self-reflection tool and a peer-coaching tool have been provided in this package. These tools are not intended to be used for grading purposes, but rather to scaffold students along the way to successful completion of the performance task. As not all students will require the same type and/or amount of scaffolding, teachers make instructional and coaching decisions based on student needs.

After initial suggestions on preparing for the task, the information in this section is organized around the criteria for evaluation. Thus, teachers can target the areas where they feel students require additional support and guidance.

To help prepare students for the task…

·          Share the context, using the notebook or PowerPoint file if desired. What experiences have students had with carnival games? Spinners? Would spinners always give you the results you expect? What are some variables that could affect the fairness of a spinner? How could this impact a carnival game? What would you have to consider as you chose prizes for your game?
·          You may choose to review the concepts of probability in general, and theoretical and experimental probability in particular. What could impact the reliability of your spinner? How does the number of trials in your experiment affect your confidence in the experimental probability results?
·          Provide materials including the spinner page and a paper clip for each student. Effective spinners can be made by straightening one end of a small paper clip, and holding it in place with the point of a pencil when spinning. Use the tip of the straightened end to accurately mark the section, and be sure the spinner is on a flat, smooth surface. Students may wish to work with a partner when testing spinners and recording results. You may wish to remind students to count carefully, and stop after exactly 100 spins. This makes comparisons and prize calculations more manageable.
·          The probability of an event is represented by a number between 0 (impossible) and 1 (certain). For this task, the spinner provided in the Student Materials is a circle marked along the edge in hundredths. Theoretical probability for each section can be represented as a decimal number, fraction or percentage by considering the number of hundredth segments included in that section. Suggest students check to ensure the probabilities of all sections total 1.0 or 100%.
·          While students will be interested in assigning prizes to each section right from the start, they will want to revisit those choices once they have tested the spinners. Remind them that players will only be paying 25¢ for a spin, and that they should consider the amount they would collect for 100 spins at the carnival. The “Carnival Committee” will not choose a game if it seems likely to lose money.

Differentiation notes:
A list of possible prizes, including prices, is included in this package (p. 6) and could be supplied for students who need more structure for that part of the task. The “First Steps” pages (pp. 7-8) also provide support. Students who need more challenge could be given spinners with no markings on the edge, and asked to use their knowledge of angles to calculate theoretical probabilities. Students may also choose to test spinners more than 100 times, which will increase the complexity of calculating experimental probabilities.

Combined Grade Teachers:
This task has many connections to curriculum outcomes at the Grade 5 level, and would be very suitable for use in a combined grade classroom.

Assessment for Learning Support

ü  Share the assessment task, criteria and rubric with students at the beginning of the activity to help focus their learning during the unit of study.
ü  Exemplars are a powerful way to help students understand the expected standard of performance by viewing work at a variety of levels of proficiency. Check the AAC website (, where student exemplars will be posted as they are available.

To help students determine experimental and theoretical probabilities (criteria #1 and #2)

·          Help your students understand the difference between theoretical probability, which is determined through mathematical reasoning, and experimental probability, which is determined through observation and the gathering of data. In some situations, we can quite easily determine theoretical probabilities (flipping a coin, shaking a die, choosing a card, spinning a spinner, choosing a marble from a bag, etc.) However, the experimental probabilities for each of these situations vary depending on the data you collect. Often, it isn’t possible for us to determine the theoretical probability of an event (for example, the probability of having heart disease if you are a smoker, or the probability of the school bus being late), so we depend on experimental probability in these situations.
·          Typically we think of theoretical probability as a ratio of the number of favorable outcomes to the total number of equally likely outcomes. “Equally likely” is an important qualifier, and in the case of the spinner game your students will want to consider each tiny hundredth wedge of the circle as one equally likely outcome. This means that the probability of landing on a section is determined by counting the hundredth wedges in that section and dividing by the total number of wedges (100).
·          When determining the experimental probability of an outcome, such as landing on a certain section of a spinner, it’s important to gather data from a large number of trials. In this task, 100 trials is suggested in part because of the ease of comparing experimental and theoretical probability. If students are prepared to test their spinners more than 100 times let them, but be prepared to support them as they calculate and compare probabilities.
·          Provide students with many opportunities to calculate experimental probabilities for a variety of events, then determine the theoretical probabilities and compare the two. This is particularly interesting when the experimental results might be surprising and cause students to question assumptions they might be making about theoretical probabilities of certain results. For example:
o    Flip two coins to calculate an experimental probability of two heads, two tails, or one head and one tail.
o    Shake two dice to calculate an experimental probability for each possible sum.
o    Place two blue tiles and two red tiles in a paper bag. Calculate an experimental probability of choosing two tiles of the same colour or two tiles of different colours. Repeat using one blue tile and three red tiles, or one blue tile and two red tiles. (Try this one yourself. You will likely be surprised by the results!)

To help students create and analyze a graph (criterion #3)

·          With your students, create a list of criteria for a quality double bar graph: informative title, clear and complete labels for axes, suitable choice of scale, legend where applicable, accurate bars, etc.
·          Give your students frequent opportunities to create and interpret graphs representing data collected during classroom activities.
·          In cases where the experimental results are significantly different from the theoretical probabilities, ask students to speculate on the possible explanations. Homemade spinners are not always as random as we may think. Encourage students to continue testing a spinner that is not behaving as expected.

Assessment for Learning Support
You may choose to use the Coaching Feedback tool or Student Self-Reflection tool to help your students focus on the criteria for this task and to involve them in the feedback process. In both cases, be prepared to change the questions if you feel there are other areas for reflection that would be more helpful to your students. These tools are not used for marking purposes.
Note: Allow time for students to make adjustments to their work based on the feedback and reflection before submitting it for evaluation.

Coaching Feedback Tool (Assessment for Learning Tools)
ü  This is an opportunity for oral conversation and feedback from either a peer or the teacher. Students will discuss criteria with their coach to help clarify thinking.
ü  Students will be asked to evaluate the feedback they received, and use the feedback to improve their work in some way.

Student Self-reflection (Assessment for Learning Tools)
ü  This gives students an opportunity to reflect on the criteria and how successfully they are meeting them.

Prizes for… (p. 6 of this document)
ü  This page provides prize choices and prices to support those students who are unable to complete this part of the task without more structure.
ü  The page may be edited to remove some of the prizes and present students with fewer choices.

First Steps (pp. 7, 8 of this document)
ü  This tool provides students who are not yet ready to complete the task independently with structured support.

For further discussion…

·          Did you use the experimental or theoretical probability to calculate the expected cost of the prizes? Why did you make that choice? How would you deal with unexpected results at the actual carnival?

(Pictures for the following items would not transfer but are easy to make on any clip art program.)

 Stuffed animal - $1.25       Bubble Gum - $0.06              Pencil - $0.15             Little Board Game - $1.00

Felt Marker - $0.40      Eraser - $0.12               Mini Chocolate Bar - $0.25         Small Notebook - $0.50

      Helium Balloon- $1.00        Comic Book - $1.50       Lollipop - $0.10              Bouncy Ball - $0.30

 Plastic Ring - $0.33     Hot Dog Coupon - $0.75         Sticky Notes - $0.50          Licorice Whip - $0.15

Name __________________________________ 

Create a spinner with 5 sections of different sizes. What is the theoretical probability that you will land on each section? Record on the chart below.
(Hint: See how many of the 100 tiny wedges are in each of your sections.)

Now test your spinner exactly 100 times. Keep a tally on the chart. What is the experimental probability of landing on each section?

Theoretical Probability
Experimental Probability





Create a graph to compare the theoretical and experimental probabilities. What do you notice?

Decide which sections of your spinner will have prizes. Think about what prizes you could afford to give away.

Remember to think about these questions: If 100 people play your spinner game, and each person pays 25¢, how much money will you collect altogether? How much will it probably cost to give out the prizes those people win?
Make sure you are not spending too much on prizes, or the committee won’t choose your game!

Cost for one
Expected cost for 100 players





Why do you think your game will make money for the playground?____________________________________________________________

Student Resources:

Step right up! Our school is organizing a Penny Carnival for the neighbourhood to help raise money for a new community playground. The Carnival Committee will be choosing games for the event. You are going to design a spinner game, complete with ideas for prizes, and convince the Carnival Committee to choose your game.
Because homemade spinners don’t always work the way you expect them to, it will be important to test your spinner carefully, and compare those results with the results you expected.
It will also be important to choose your prizes carefully. People will only have to pay 25¢ to play the games at the carnival, and the committee won’t pick your game if it’s a money-loser!
As you create your submission for the committee, you will:
·        Build a spinner with at least 5 sections of different sizes.
·        Determine the theoretical probability of landing on each section.
·        Collect data to help you determine an experimental probability for landing on each section.
·        Create and analyze a graph to compare your experimental data with the theoretical probability. What do you notice?
·        Determine the expected cost of prizes. Some questions to consider: Which sections of your spinner will be prize-winners? What prizes will you offer? How much will they cost? Why do you expect your spinner game to be a successful money-maker?

Student _____________________________________ Date _____________________
Specific Requirements
Not Yet
Teacher Comment
Determine theoretical probability of outcomes
(Stats and Prob 4)
[PS, R, V]
·    able to correctly determine the theoretical probability of landing on each section of the spinner

Determine experimental probability of outcomes
(Stats and Prob 4)
[C, PS, R]
·    able to correctly determine the experimental probability of landing on each section of the spinner






Limited *

Insufficient/ Blank *

Create and analyze a graph
(Stats and Prob 3)
[CN, R, V]
Graphs probability using a purposeful design.

Graphs probability using a thoughtful design.

Graphs probability using a basic design.

Graphs probability using an ineffective design.
No score is awarded because there is
insufficient evidence of student performance   based on the requirements  of the assessment task.
Provides an     in-depth comparison of probabilities.
Provides a     substantial comparison of probabilities.
Provides a     simplistic comparison of probabilities.
Provides a     questionable comparison of probabilities.

Determine expected cost  of prizes
(Number 2)
[C, R]
Determines a precise estimate of the cost of prizes.

Determines a meaningful estimate of the cost of prizes.

Determines a reasonable estimate of the cost of prizes.

Determines an inaccurate estimate of the cost of prizes.

Create submission for committee
 [C, R]
Provides a compelling explanation of why the game should be a successful money-maker.
Provides a logical explanation of why the game should be a successful money-maker.
Provides a basic explanation of why the game should be a successful money-maker.
Provides an unsupported explanation of why the game should be a successful money-maker.

* When work is judged to be limited or insufficient, the teacher makes decisions about appropriate intervention to help the student improve.

Name ___________________________________ Date ________________

 (Image for spinner would not download but can be retrieved at the AAC website at the bottom of the post)

Design a spinner for your game, with at least 5 sections of different sizes.


Name _______________________________________________________

Are you ready to submit your plan to the committee? Examine your submission, or work together with a partner to check that you have everything prepared:

In my submission to the committee, did I…
Not Yet
… include my spinner, with at least 5 sections of different sizes?

… determine the theoretical probability for each section of the spinner?

… use experimental data from at least 100 trial spins to find the experimental probability for each section of the spinner?

… include a graph clearly showing both the experimental and theoretical probabilities for each section of the spinner?

… compare the experimental and theoretical probabilities, discussing similarities and differences?

… recommend prizes to go with my spinner game?

… clearly explain why I think my spinner game will be a money-maker, after considering the cost of my prizes?

Here is one thing I am going to do to improve my final submission:

Teacher/ Learning Coach Feedback:

Student  _______________________________________________________________

Coach _________________________________________________________________

Instructions for the Coach: Using the questions below, interview a classmate as he or she prepares a submission for the Carnival Committee. Provide feedback to help your partner be ready to present the spinner game.

Here are some questions to ask your partner:

How did you calculate the theoretical probabilities for each section of your spinner?
How did your results for the experimental probabilities compare to the expected results?
Were there any big surprises? How can you explain the differences?
How did you decide on your spinner prizes?
Why do you think your spinner game will make a profit for the playground fund?

Instructions for the Student: Consider the usefulness of the feedback you received.

The most helpful suggestion I received was…
I will use the feedback I received to improve my submission by…

Student Reflection:

Name  _________________________________________________________________

Is your submission ready to present to the Carnival Committee? Choose at least one area for improvement.

Mark an “x” to show your level of readiness.

I was able to determine both theoretical and experimental probability.
    I still have a lot of                                                                             I feel very confident that
    work to do on this part.                                                                 this part of my presentation
                                                                                                                          is ready to go.
I will improve this part of my submission by…

My graph is accurate and I’ve made a precise comparison of  the theoretical and experimental probabilities.
    I still have a lot of                                                                             I feel very confident that
    work to do on this part.                                                                 this part of my presentation
                                                                                                                          is ready to go.
I will improve this part of my submission by…

I have a compelling explanation, based on mathematics, as to why my spinner game will make a profit.
    I still have a lot of                                                                             I feel very confident that
    work to do on this part.                                                                 this part of my presentation
                                                                                                                          is ready to go.
I will improve this part of my submission by…

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