This week's COW (Curriculum Outcome of the Week) is:
Grade 6 | Develop Number Sense:
Outcome 9: Explain and apply the order of operations, excluding exponents, with and without technology (limited to whole numbers). [C, CN, ME, PS, T] [ICT: C6–2.4, C6–2.7]
My Big Idea:
"Any number, measure, numerical expression, algebraic expression, or equation can be represented in an infinite number of ways that have the same value."(2005 Charles)
I feel like the big idea I have chosen relates very well to this week's COW. In fact, through a discussion with my classmates we found that several people had alternate ways of coming to an answer of an algebraic equation. There are many ways to represent numbers and equations that require an application of the order of operations are just one way.
For example, in a discussion on a group media site one student posted the question:
According to BEDMAS the problem can be solved as follows:
Another student solved it in this way:
As you can see the students took different approaches to reach the same answer. The number nine was represented in two different equations.
This type of thinking needs to be encouraged with our students in order for them to engage in and connect with the curriculum we are teaching.